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Come and Join Hands with
The foremost organisation of Airconditioning and Refrigeration Industry and Trade in India.
How much does it cost to join AIACRA
Annual subscription Schedule is given below:-
Membership Category | Annual Turnover | Annual Subscription | Admission Fee | Total |
Ordinary Members (Zonal Associations) | Not Applicable | Rs. 10,000/- | Rs. 1,000/- | Rs. 11,000/- |
Patron Members | Above Rs.5 Crore | Rs. 10,000/- (USD-185) |
Rs. 1,000/- (USD-15) |
Rs. 11,000/- (USD-200) |
Sustaining Members | Above Rs.1 Crore & upto Rs.5 Crore | Rs. 5,000/- | Rs. 1,000/- | Rs. 6,000/- |
Associate Members | Upto Rs.1 Crore | Rs. 3,000/- | Rs. 1,000/- | Rs. 4,000/- |
Who May Join AIACRA:
Any individual, firm, company as a manufacturer, dealer, importer, trader, repairer, engineer or technician in Refrigeration and Airconditioning appliances, equipments, goods & accessories is eligible for subscribing to appliances, equipments, goods & accessories is eligible for subscibing to membership of AIACRA.
How to Join:
AIACRA Profile and Benefits to members
Popularly known as "AIACRA The All India Air-Conditioning & Refrigeration Association is a dynamic service organization playing a pivotal role at various levels for the development and growth of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Industry and Trade in India.
In order to meet the demands of the entire trade, commerce and industry, and to render services to the constituents spread throughout the country, the association was brought on the line of horizontal coverage consisting of five Zonal associations to cater to the regional needs of its members. The Zonal associations of AIACRA are: NIRATA Delhi, RATA SI Chennai, EIARA Kolkata, and TCRDA Secunderabad.
AIACRA has Patron Members, Sustaining Members, Associate Members, and Special Associate Members on behalf of various companies and firms in the HVAC&R sector. The association presently consists of approximately 1000 members, representing an entire cross section of the industry and trade.
The main objective set by the association is to function as a central coordinating body to formulate and adopt a common policy for collective action to advance the interest of this industry and its members.
In order to meet the demands of the entire trade, commerce and industry, and to render services to the constituents spread throughout the country, the association was brought on the line of horizontal coverage consisting of five zonal associations to cater to the regional needs of its members.
The Main Objectives of the Association are as follows:
- Arranges General Body Meeting from time to time in which interim reports of its activities are presented and a detailed review of the industry and trade as a whole is made.
- The Association operates through expert panels representing various sectors of the Industry. The recommendations of such panels are forwarded to the General Body for final approval and for representing to the Authorities.
- The Association regularly arranges Seminars, Workshops, interaction with Ministers and Senior Government officials of both central and state governments on issues connected with Air conditioning and Refrigeration Industry and Trades.
- It arranges and provides facilities for exhibitions, demonstration and lectures from time to time to popularize the trends and development of the Industry.
- After seeking views and opinions and after pooling knowledge and experiences of various constituents, the Association represents to the Government on matters affecting or likely to affect the Industry and Trade.
- The Association regularly circulates to the member's News items connected with HVAC&R Industry and Government Notification and Trade Notices relating to HVAC&R Industry.
- The Association brings out a directory of members in which detailed information about each member is given. This publication is widely circulated amongst Industry Associations and Chambers, Government Departments, users of AC&R, Indian consulates abroad and Foreign Missions in India and is displayed and sold in various Exhibitions and Trade Fairs held in INDIA and OVERSEAS.
- The Association publishes a News Letter in which important and major activities of AIACRA and Zonal Associations are highlighted. Besides, enquires and other information and data on AC&R Industry and Trade is also published.
- The Association regularly organizes delegations to visit Exhibitions and Trade Fairs in foreign countries like China, Thailand, Germany, Korea, etc.
- AIACRA brings together the opinions and views of its diverse membership into an effective public voice.